Thursday, May 1, 2008

True Lemon Hot Lemonade

I'm fighting a nasty cold right now. I hate being sick - don't we all? The fatigue, the sneezing, the runny nose and watery eyes. But the worst has been the sore throat. It's been waking me up at night. Every few hours I'm awake and trying not to swallow.

I broke down on my aspartame avoidance and bought some sugar free lozenges. I've been gargling salt water - not nearly as bad as I thought, though it only helps for a little while. I've been spraying my throat with Chloraseptic when it gets really bad.

And I've been drinking lots, and lots, and lots of Hot Lemonade. It what we were always given as kids when we were sick. My mom would mix up mugs of powered lemonade with hot water instead of cold. Lemon scented steam always makes me feel better. I avoid all those powdered lemonade mixes now - way too much sugar. I've been using True Lemon to get through this cold.

I heard about True Lemon last year as a drink flavoring substitute. Each packet is the equivalent of 2 squeezes of lemon or lime. It's made with crystallized juice - no calories, no carbs. I usually carry a few packets in my purse so I can flavor water when I go out - tap water can be pretty unappetizing at times. I'll also dump it in Perrier or Club Soda if I want some 'pop'.

And when I'm sick, it dump it in hot water and drink it down. It dissolves far more easily in hot water than cold, and I enjoy it without needing to add any sweetner - the lemon flavor is enough on it's own. Plus it's so soothing for my throat.

I'll be so glad when this cold is over with. But the Hot Lemonade is making it easier to get through.


Kathryn said...

Try just a tad of powdered ginger with your lemon:) It has helped me lots to deal with scratchy sore throats,colds and sinus infections.
I love those True Lemon packets too!

Laura Williams said...

Thanks for the suggestion - I'll try that!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen "True Lemon" here in the states, but what I will do when I don't want coffee or tea is, I will squeeze a lemon wedge into my hot water, and then let it sit in there so I get the aromatics from the zest oils as well. No sweetener needed, just lemon and hot water :)

Laura Williams said...

They do have it in the states - if yo check out the website you can sign up for a sample.

I like real lemon as well, but this is far easier to keep in my purse!