Saturday, May 17, 2008

Meme Tagged!

There's a meme going around the blogosphere, and Jeff over at Go Do A Test! has tagged me.

Once you've been tagged, you write a post with 10 weird, random facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 6 new victims to be tagged, list their names, and why you tagged them. Don't forget to leave them a comment saying ('You're It!') and to go read your blog. You cannot tag the person that tagged you, so, let me know when you are done so that I can go read your blog answers. Here are my ten:

1.) I hate both onions and oranges. It's rare to find anyone who hates onions, and I have yet to find anyone who doesn't like oranges, so I'm pretty sure this is weird. I do like those sweet little Christmas mandarins. There are a lot of other foods I don't like, but none of them are as alliterative.

2.) I am a completest book collector. If there is an author I like, I have to own EVERY book they have ever written. I may not even like all their books but I will still try to collect them all just to have them. I also sometimes buy entire series before reading them to see if I actually like it. This is an expensive habit, so I've been trying to break it.

3.) I like Anime and Manga. This is normal to me, but watching subtitled Japanese cartoons and reading translated Japanese comics is seen as weird by many people I know. I also have several series of manga (comics) in the original Japanese, which I cannot read but this is an offshoot of weirdness #2.

4.) I eat my food in order. Almost always I will clear my plate of one item before moving on to the next. First the meat, then the starch, then the veggies. I've apparently done this since I was very young and never grown out of it.

5.) I walk with a cane. I have had a bad knee since I was eight and as I've grown older I find it more difficult to walk or stand for long periods. The weird thing about it is that unlike diabetes, I have no resentment for the knee or the cane or the pain. It's so deeply ingrained into my self image, I can't imagine being without it, or clearly remember being able to run and jump.

6.) I'm short. 5 feet even. Tall shelves are my bane.

7.) I have a very poor sense of spatial perception. For this reason I do not drive. I cannot estimate distances, volumes or acceleration.

8.) I spent most of high school calculus in the back of the room doing cross stitching while the teacher lectured. I somehow still got an A in the course - an a surprise mention of the cross stiching it in the yearbook.

9.) I am a geek. Girl geeks are rare but definitely present. I am a self taught, female programmer. I have yet to meet, in the flesh, another. Weird but good. I also LOVE programming which most non programmers seem to find weird, and I played World of Warcraft (an online game) on my honeymoon.

10.) I want to have a Cornish Rex Cat at some point. My mother used to breed them - I grew up in Cat Show Circles - and I absolutely adore them. They are utterly strange looking at first glance, but have amazing personalities, able to switch from lap cat to maniac kitten in the blink of an eye. My parents have one right now that likes to hang out on shoulders.

Most of the people I would have tagged have already been hit with this meme, so I'll stick to just tagging one - Lora at The Diabetes & Stuff.


k2 said...

I also have a very poor sense of spacial direction - and the pump adds to my spacial issues. Our special issues are just part of the fabulousness of being us!

Lora said...

Hi there!

I only wish I knew how to program. My blog would look so much better and maybe even have a photo or two--or at least I'd be able to italicize something....

I've accepted your tag and you can read it on my blog.

(I've always been intrigued by Japanese anime; maybe I'll have to give it a go...)

Thanks for the fun!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Laura!

I took calculus in college, studied hard, and, suffice it to say, did not get an A.

Instead of note-taking, maybe I should have been doing needlecraft???

Laura Williams said...

Ah well, Kelly, I suppose I can put up with a lot in order to be fabulous. ;)

Lora - I'll be heading over to read it. Italizing is easy though! If you don't have the little buttons to do it for you on your blogger window, try doing a less than sign ( < ), an i then a greater than sign ( > ). Put your words, then do the the less than ( < ), a slash ( / ), another i and finally another greater than sign ( > ).

I did great in high school, but university calculus sunk me! Perhaps I should have brought along my threads to class then.