Monday, May 19, 2008

Lunch is a Bowl of Cherries

You have to love cherry season. Today was the first time I've noticed them in the stores. Over winter I forget how many is a serving, but 15 seems about right. These were a great lunch. Not too sweet, a little tart, just ripe.

I don't eat cherry jam, cherry pie, or cherry anything else. But the fresh ones always remind me of summers visiting my aunt's fruit farm in BC. We'd bring home tons of fruit - most of which I wouldn't touch, but cherries are always fabulous.

I worked there two or three summers, and having that fresh produce was great! I didn't realize how good I had it, until I came back home, took a look at the grocery store offerings and was agast at how old all the stuff looked. I still have trouble buying apples - they seem so waxed and bruised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually for a diabetic, 12 cherries is a serving. And you can get dried cherries and put 5 in a bowl of oatmeal with a tbsp of non-sugared peanut butter and you have a great breakfast which is high fibre and filling and keeps sugars kopacetic.