Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More on the Non-Invasive Front - Breath Testing?

Ran across an article today on a new new theory in blood glucose testing.

The gist of it is this: Dr. Pietro Galassetti at the University of California is the guy in charge of the study. They've found that the concentration of a certain gas (Methylnitrate) in the air you breath out is related to blood sugar levels. When the kids they studied had high blood sugars, that had more methylnitrate too.

There's also an interview with Dr. Galassetti, that goes into more detail. I love what he says about finger pricking:
"The prick is not very painful, but doing it five times a day all your life becomes very obnoxious."
It's clear this a very preliminary concept. Dr Galassetti talks about '5 or 10 years down the road' and needing to develop a profile of gases related to blood sugar. But it's nice to see research being done on alternate methods.

Edit: Jeff @ Go Do A Test! pointed to me to an older article on the study, with more specifics on the experiment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great info, Laura. It's good to hear Dr. Galassetti's thoughts firsthand.