Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Another new blogger - The Diabetes & Stuff

Okay, so I'm really new at this blogging thing. But I'm not the only one. I realized today there's another new diabetes blogger on the block - The Diabetes & Stuff.

I really enjoy seeing new blogs. There's always a new perspective, a new voice, a new concept that gets me thinking.

I like what I've seen at Lora's blog so far - there's a no-nonsense, honest and straightforward tone to it that really appeals. I'm trying to keep this blog as honest as I can, and it's great to see someone else doing the same, and doing it well. She's also very organized, with a nice little glossary up as her second post.

Great work Lora, and keep it up - I'll be reading.


k2 said...

Diabetes blogs rock! can't wait 2 read all the d blogs fit to print!

Lora said...

Thank you for being so nice! I didn't think anyone would read my blog other than my family. (I thought they could use a few good lessons, since I'm the only diabetic they know.) But I'm glad that you like it! I look forward to future posts from you as well...