Saturday, April 26, 2008

Offline Diabetes

Sometimes I wish everyone diabetic wore a button. I know there are many diabetics around me, but I rarely meet them offline. Those I have met with diabetes, including my stepmother, aren't really interested in talking about it. It's a closed door. I tend to share it, though I don't (I hope) ram it down people's throats.

Meter comparisons, concerns about doctors, venting about daily stress, any acknowledgment of the day to day frustrations and successes.. these only exist for me online. I read a lot of blogs, soaking up those other experiences.

When I go out, now and then, I watch the people around me. Perhaps someone will pull out a meter or I'll see a pump. I don't know that I'd do anything if I did. I'm far to shy to approach a stranger, and diabetes can be very personal. I think perhaps a great number of people don't want to discuss it. Sharing a disease doesn't make you friends or acquaintances. Given the variability of diabetes, their experience could be far removed from now.

But it would be nice to not be the only diabetic in the room all the time. To have a face to face conversation about it. I'll get there, sooner or later.

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