Monday, June 23, 2008


I received my semi-annual update from Bayer Ascencia today. Every few months they send out these informative pamphlets. This time, there was a large section about how great CGMSs (Continuous Glucose Monitoring System)s are, and a big ad for their Guardian System.

I won't be buying, of course. If I had that kind of money to spare, there are other things I consider more essential - new glasses, some dentist time (you do not want to know how long it's been) on the medical front, some car repairs, some books.. An actual vacation that's more than a three hour car ride away..

I make a good living - and once my husband finally gets his residence card and can work we'll make an even better one - but I just can't see putting out the money for a CGMS. To me that's a win-the-lottery type expense.

Of course, for me it's more a 'I wish I knew what my blood sugar was doing at all times' sort of thing, rather than a 'I NEED to know what my blood sugar is doing at all times' thing. I think what surprises me about seeing those types of ads is that they are needed. To me, anyone who could use a CGMS should already know about them and want one! Anyone who doesn't... this is a medical device you attach to your body, not a impulse buy.

Of course, a lot of people aren't as obsessed as I with reading up and and learning about the technology, so for a lot of people that ad is probably the first they've heard of this thing.

Maybe one day, I'll be able to indulge. Hopefully those who really need this device will be able to get access to it sooner and with less insurance struggles as there is more awareness of the benefits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got to tell you, save your money till the thing has better technoligy. When I got the CGM that sits on my shelf, it made my life a living hell. Why, it is a great idea, but the technoligy is not there to support the thing. I belive that is why the insurance companys wont pay for then, and with my experience, I'm not surprised.

The constant bleeding, pain and the marks were way way off. Not the 20 points, but morelike 200 points (Great trusting the thing to alarm whtn your sugars go out of the roof and then wake up sick with it saying yoru BG's are 180 and you test and they are over 480)
The calabration scedual was horific and it was 4 times a day when you had to hold fast and not eat or do any activity. it sucked and I finaly said after 2 months, enough. now I got this expencive little paper weight on a shelf.

All I can say is itis a great idea, now lets get some technoligy to back it up.

(My experince was with the Minimed unit, I dont know about the others, but my expeince was so bad, i a NOT trying it again for a long time)
