Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Luxury Bread

I don't think about food all the time. Or diabetes either. But I don't eat without thinking about it. I can't put a bite into my mouth without running through the checklist of "How bad is this for me". That doesn't stop me from eating white bread or dessert or juice or hot dogs or anything else - but it does tend to moderate my intake.

It also really, really, really, makes me wish for some decent, lower guilt options. Especially when it comes to bread. I've been eating mostly whole wheat for 3 or 4 years now. I have white for two reasons: First, I miss it, especially if it's really good crusty white. Second, no whole wheat alternative is available.

I have never seen whole wheat raisin bread. Whole wheat cheese bread. Whole wheat garlic toast. Whole wheat cinnamon buns. Whole wheat biscuits.

I've never found a bakery or restaurant willing to make any of this either. And I miss it! Sure, I can get whole wheat bread, tortillas, bagels, pitas.. but only in the plain variety. Where's the whole wheat blueberry bagel? Where's the spinach and whole wheat wrap? Where's the whole wheat Cinnabon? (Okay, Cinnzeo is never going to be healthy, but a whole wheat alternative would ease my diabetic conscience.)

It's annoying to have to give up all the other flavors to avoid/reduce white flour. You want to break down my resistance? Give me a slice of garlic bread. White is the only way I can get it, so I eat it on white.

There are a few exceptions to these: crackers and pancakes mostly. And once in a very long while, I'll find a place that makes french toast with rye or flax or wheat. But it's really an exception.

If you own a bakery or restaurant, please please, consider offering these alternate treats!

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